Not all survival foods are equally good: Here are foods you should consider for when it all hits the fan

In case SHTF, you will need a well-stocked pantry if you plan to wait out whatever disaster will be occurring in the world outside. However, for your long-term survival, you will need to think of your food supply not just as a means of avoiding starvation, but also as a way to get the right amount of nutrients in your body. You will need a variety of high-quality, nutrient-dense foods, since not all survival foods are created equal. Here are some of the best survival foods you should stock up on for your survival pantry. (h/t to


Your body needs plenty of protein, especially if you are in a survival situation. Fortunately, animal meat contains all of the eight essential amino acids that are the building blocks of protein. Beef jerky is delicious, nutritious, and easy to make. You can get 12 grams of high-quality protein from an ounce of cured or smoked beef jerky. Another way to stockpile meat is to make pemmican, which is a classic “native” survival food that is made of a combination of fruit and dehydrated meat. If processed and stored properly, it can have a shelf life of at least 50 years. You can also stock up on canned meats. If you have the resources, you might even want to consider raising your own livestock as a viable protein source. (Related: The top sources of protein in a survival homestead.)


Canned fish are cost-efficient survival foods that you can easily stock up on, even if you have a limited budget. They even conveniently come in pre-cooked and ready-to-eat forms. Tuna, sardines, salmon, herring, and other fatty fish are rich sources of nutrients and healthy fats. You can easily buy sardines in bulk, since they have such incredibly long shelf lives. As much as possible, try to stock up on fish that was caught in the wild. Try to avoid “farmed fish” as the way they are grown often strips away any health benefits your body could gain from eating them.

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Dairy products

Dairy products, such as milk, cheese, and butter, can help supplement your protein and calcium intake. If you are already raising livestock, you can raise goats to provide milk and even make cheese, butter, and other dairy products from this milk. Alternatively, you can stock up on dried, powdered milk. It might not be as appetizing as fresh milk, but with enough practice, you can even learn to make your own yogurt, cheese, pudding, or bread out of it. Cheese can store for a very long time, especially when frozen.

Fruits and vegetables

You’ll be missing out on plenty of essential vitamins and minerals if you don’t include a healthy amount of fruits and vegetables in your survival pantry. You can even save the seeds to grow your own survival garden. Even if they won’t be fresh, dehydrated fruits are nutrient-dense, lightweight, and easy to store. They are excellent sources of carbohydrates and simple sugars. You can add them to other recipes or eat them on their own. Mix them with some nuts and grains to create a healthy trail mix. Some ideal fruits that you should stock up on include dried prunes, apricots, figs, cranberries, and raisins.

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