survival foods
By Mary Miller
Not all survival foods are equally good: Here are foods you should consider for when it all hits the fan
In case SHTF, you will need a well-stocked pantry if you plan to wait out whatever disaster will be occurring in the world outside. However, for your long-term survival, you will need to think of your food supply not just as a means of avoiding starvation, but also as a way to get the right […]
By Mary Miller
A guide to making and canning vegetable soup
There are many ways to preserve your food supply and extend its shelf life. One of the easiest and most effective of these food preservation techniques is canning. It is useful for preserving fresh fruits and vegetables as these tend to expire very quickly if they are not preserved in some form. If you are growing your […]
By Edsel Cook
Are insects the solution to solving world hunger?
At some point in the future, the world is going to run out of what humans consider to be food. When that happens, we will have to look for alternative sources to sate our hunger and the best source of food after TEOTWAWKI may just be insects. (h/t to Insects are found far and […]
By Mary Miller
Practical reasons why you should start storing food now – even if SHTF never happens
Do you have emergency food supplies at home? If you don’t, you might want to start thinking about stockpiling shelf-stable food items for long-term use. They could come in handy when you least expect it. Here are some reasons why you should consider food storage for your everyday life, even if SHTF never happens. (h/t […]
By Mary Miller
Why lard should be an essential part of your SHTF stockpile
Pig fat is an underrated culinary ingredient. Commonly known as lard, it is often considered “unhealthy” fat that can clog up your arteries. However, lard is actually healthier than most people have been led to believe. Lard isn’t just for cooking. It is a versatile substance that has many practical uses. Here are a few good reasons […]
By Mary Miller
Recipes that survived the Oregon trail that you can still make today
In the early days of the Oregon trail, pioneers often did whatever it took to survive. Improvising on the spot with what limited supplies they had became a necessity or else they would risk starving in the unforgiving wilderness. Self-sufficiency was tantamount to survival. Preppers can learn a thing or two from these pioneers. When SHTF, it […]
By Michelle Simmons
Survival superfoods you need to stock up on now
When it comes to prepping, it’s always best to prepare food items that will help you get through and keep you healthy for both small and large-scale crisis. Here are 10 survival superfoods you need to stock up on that are both inexpensive and easy to make: (h/t to Cauliflower bread: Cauliflower bread is […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Harvesting mushrooms for food and fire: Tips for identifying them
Mushrooms – depending on which ones you pick, they can either be the boon or the bane of any outdoorsman. Just as there are multiple edible and nutrient-filled varieties of mushroom, there are also just as many that can kill you with a bite. Fortunately, telling the difference between a mushroom that will be your […]
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