By Darnel Fernandez
Berry foraging: How to identify and harvest 8 wild berries
Proper preparation can go a long way in increasing your chances of survival when facing an emergency situation. However, no matter how much food you stockpile and defenses you set up, you might be forced to bug out to a much safer location, even if it means taking a detour through the wilderness. In these […]
By Zoey Sky
Why home gardening and food preservation is the best form of food insurance
Home gardening is a crucial part of any prepper’s life. Having a garden in your backyard ensures that you have access to fresh produce during “quiet” times and, most importantly, after SHTF. Learning about food preservation also teaches you the skills you need to save and preserve excess fruits and vegetables from your garden. Don’t […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Upcycling for preppers: How to turn a broken freezer into a mini root cellar
Proper storage of home-grown produce is an important prepping skill any gardener should have if they want to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Freezing is a great way to enjoy fresh produce all year round. But even if your freezer breaks after long use, you can retain its usefulness in preserving food by converting it into a […]
By Darnel Fernandez
10 Hardy vegetables you can stockpile for at least a year, even without refrigeration
Preppers always look for new ways to store and stockpile food. The refrigerator, for instance, was a game-changer for keeping perishable food fresh. However, if you’re looking for long-term food storage and stockpiling, this appliance leaves much to be desired. Most refrigerators nowadays are large and bulky, taking up a lot of precious space in your […]
By Grace Olson
Harvest projections: How much do you need to plant if you want to feed your family for one year?
Growing your own food can be challenging, especially when you can just buy from grocery stores and market places. But one of the most rewarding things about it is knowing what goes (and doesn’t go) into your food, making sure that you and your family eat only the cleanest foods without a trace of toxic […]
By Grace Olson
Build your own sustainable gardens: A no-nonsense guide
You can easily access fruits and vegetables in grocery stores, but you cannot be fully sure of how they were grown. Also, you never know how long those supplies will last. Sustainable gardening offers both a solution and a question. It is a solution because it is environment-friendly. On the other hand, building a sustainable garden can […]
By Zoey Sky
Container gardening tips for the urban prepper
Ideally, a home garden should be spacious, with enough room for different plants. But if you live in an apartment without a backyard or if your soil is rocky or sandy, you can still grow various plants through container gardening. (h/t to Even if you have quality soil and a spacious yard, you can still try container […]
By Zoey Sky
Making and cultivating a garden on your own – no more grocery shopping, ever
Home gardening is considered by many as one of the most rewarding hobbies. It lets you exercise (especially if you do most tasks by hand) and helps you save money on groceries. But how do you start cultivating a garden in your backyard? (h/t to Cultivating your own garden means you can grow fresh fruits and […]
By Janine Acero
It’s time you grew your own fruit-bearing trees for food – here’s how
Preppers are resourceful individuals. They make the most out of what they have, including the space on their land or property. Growing your own food is a key component of prepping, and fruit trees are some of the best things to start planting around your land. Here are some tips for planting your own food-producing trees […]
By Mary Miller
Not all survival foods are equally good: Here are foods you should consider for when it all hits the fan
In case SHTF, you will need a well-stocked pantry if you plan to wait out whatever disaster will be occurring in the world outside. However, for your long-term survival, you will need to think of your food supply not just as a means of avoiding starvation, but also as a way to get the right […]
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