Choosing the right gun to pack in your bug-out bag

An aspect that often gets lost when talking about prepping, firearms, and BOBs, is the why of it all. Don’t misunderstand: Quite a lot of articles are dedicated to talking about which firearm or supplementary firearm should be part of your BOB loadout. Should I bring a rifle or pistol? What caliber is best? How much ammo, etc — these are all worthy considerations for a BOB gun.

But prepping articles rarely get into the nitty-gritty of why. Why is this gun better than this one? Why do I need it for my BOB? Things don’t happen in a vacuum and it’s very easy for gun enthusiasts to get lost in all the information about a gun’s merits vs. a gun that fits the mission of the BOB.

Any good prepper would tell you that it is the mission that drives equipment selection and not the other way around.

This article will not be a detailed thesis on BOBs and guns but will offer some suggestions on which guns are best suited for quick getaway.

Compact handgun

If you already carry a handgun daily, it makes a lot of sense to bring one when bugging out. Prepping involves being ready at any moment, and this includes being comfortable with your gear. Most concealed carry firearms are handguns. If you’re reading this article, most likely you are an owner of a gun. This means that you regularly train with your firearm, which also means that you’re presumably pretty competent with it.

Compact handguns are small and help you keep a low profile. Remember that when the brown stuff hits the fan, you want to remain as inconspicuous as possible. This wouldn’t be possible with a long gun which everyone can see. That being said, you’d still need a gun that can kick some a**, and a compact handgun is just the ticket.

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We recommend purchasing a gun that has excellent service records and a clean reputation for reliability and shooter friendliness. You may want to consider a Glock, Smith & Wesson, Beretta M9/92, CZ P-10, or quality 1911. (Related: What every woman needs to know before carrying a concealed weapon.)

.22 handgun with suppressor

Okay, a .22 pistol is not small nor svelte. True, they are light, but they’re noticeable. However, a .22 handgun is more versatile than a compact handgun. Consider a Ruger 22/45 with an MRDS and suppresor. This gun is pretty light and accurate and can be a great tool for hunting or self-defense. The .22 may not be particularly effective as a cartridge but it is certainly lethal and dangerous with the right load.

One other perk of a .22 is that the ammo is light. You can carry around 500 rounds in the space of 150 rounds of 9mm or .40S&W.

Traveling with a gun

Bugging out might mean going across states to your hidey hole. A lot of preppers have asked if they can store their guns in their car instead. There are some considerations that seem beneficial — at least, at first. For one thing, you can easily carry longer and heavier guns in your trunk (just in case things get really bad and you need more firepower for whatever). Second, if doomsday really comes, you have to leave in a hurry. Having guns in the car saves precious time trying to find appropriate gear. You just have to turn on the ignition and drive yourself to safety.

However, while owning a gun is one thing, traveling with one in a car is a whole different story. If you plan on transporting firearms across state lines, you have to do your research. Each state has its own laws on owning and traveling with firearms. What might be legal in one state may be illegal in another.

Another practical aspect that you should consider is that cars may not be the safest place to store your gun. Think about it: Cars get stolen or broken into all the time. Do you really want to risk your guns falling into the hands of criminals for any purpose?

One last thing: Take note that these are all suggestions. Some preppers may also recommend bringing a long gun, such as a rifle or shotgun, in your BOB regardless of the potential risk of being noticeable. Remember that there are always merits to every type of gun and you should bring the firearm that you feel is the best suited for your survival goals, needs, and objectives.

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