How prepping benefits you, both physically and mentally

There’s no denying that prepping can help you weather different disaster scenarios. However, the benefits of the prepping lifestyle go beyond ensuring your survival when SHTF. (h/t to

If your image of a prepper is someone who’s paranoid and a killjoy, erase that thought from your mind. Preppers know that there is more to life than anticipating different kinds of disaster scenarios, and even when society collapses, it helps to have a positive attitude. After all, preppers know that when the SHTF, life can go on as long as you are prepared for natural or man-made disasters.

If you’re trying to convince your loved ones to start prepping, try to present different aspects of the lifestyle with a playful and pleasant attitude. Incorporate something that they can relate to on a personal level A friend who loves to read will appreciate a heartfelt conversation about books with survivalist themes. Once you spark their interest in prepping, invite them to fun but educational prepping activities, like camping.

Focus on presenting prepping activities that can motivate newbies. After all, an overnight camping trip with friends sounds more inviting than an overnight trip with challenging and tiring activities. People are more willing to learn if they are enjoying themselves, so present a complex task like building a shelter as a game or a contest.

They may be having the time of their lives, but if your family and friends are also learning and practicing the right skills, you are also helping them get ready when SHTF.

Here are some of the many benefits of being a survivalist:

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It lets you spend more time with family and friends.

You can use prepping to bond with like-minded people, or you can introduce people new to the survival lifestyle about the benefits of prepping while also teaching them useful skills.

Trying new and fun activities is a good way to build new relationships and strengthen old ones. When camping, you can teach your family how to survive outdoors with limited access to survival gear. This can also teach them how to be resourceful.

Camping with friends from school or work can be more fun and educational if you include a skill-building session or a new activity, like land navigation or vehicle maintenance. Keep everyone’s spirits up by being positive, and enjoy the time you spend with the people you care about.

It can help you get in shape.

When SHTF, you’ll need more than a pantry full of food and survival gear. Prepping can help you start your fitness journey, which is essential when society collapses and you have to be well-versed in manual labor to survive.

Activities like combat training, hiking, or scouting can burn calories and teach you about prepping skills. When your physical health starts improving, you are one step closer to outlasting everyone who’s out of shape when SHTF.

It lets you try new activities and hobbies.

Certain prepping activities and tasks aren’t usually on the list of “fun” hobbies, but in some cases, there are activities that are both educational and entertaining.

Activities that can also be enjoyable past times, depending on someone’s interests, may include:

  • Amateur botany
  • Austere or minimalist living
  • Foraging for wild plants
  • Tinkering with electronics
  • Salvaging
  • Self-defense
  • Sewing/clothing repair
  • Weapon use

These skills are crucial for any prepper.

The hobbies below may be common, but there are just as useful in life post-SHTF.

  • Camping
  • Fishing
  • Hunting
  • Woodworking

It allows you to travel more often.

Prepping skills like scouting or bugging out also means that you can travel more often for different reasons. Explore whenever you can to discover possible escape routes or potential bug out locations for the whole family.

Additionally, you can travel to learn more skills. Go on prepping road trips and attend gun shows, swap meets, and training classes.

Prepping can enrich your life in different ways. With the right attitude, prepping can introduce you to new opportunities such as meeting new friends, improving your current relationships, and discovering fun and useful skills or hobbies.

It can promote a greater sense of overall well-being.

Mastering a new skill can make a person more confident, which is crucial when SHTF. Knowing you have access to survival gear and supplies can also keep up the morale of your group.

Honing your leadership skills can also benefit your family, especially since this can help you prepare them for difficult times. (Related: Change your thinking: Why prepping is a form of life and health insurance.)

You can be serious about prepping, but there’s no harm in enjoying yourself as you learn about skills that can help you survive when disaster strikes.

You can read more articles about the various benefits of prepping at

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