Physical fitness is an essential part of survival

Physical fitness is an underrated aspect of prepping. You can stockpile all the food and medicine you want, but a sedentary lifestyle won’t adequately prepare you for reality when SHTF. If you haven’t been living a physically active lifestyle, then there’s no better time to start than the present. Physical fitness will greatly benefit you in your daily life, and you’ll be all the more prepared when disasters strike. Here is a simple guide on how you can stay fit and healthy to help improve your chances of survival during a disaster scenario. (h/t to

In order to prepare yourself for when SHTF, you should be able to achieve peak physical condition and continue to maintain it. This will help you prevent any chronic health conditions and allow you to better engage in physical or manual labor when the situation calls for it. There are a number of physical and mental training exercises that can make it easier for you to make it out of survival scenarios. (Related: Prepare yourself for SHTF: Exercises you’ll need for survival.)

Figure out your limitations

Before you even begin your strict workout regimen, you must first find out what you are capable of. If you immediately push yourself to your greatest limits, you only risk straining and injuring yourself. Instead, start with basic exercises that help you assess your level of physical fitness. From there, you can begin working your way up to more intense and vigorous exercises that you can sustain for longer periods of time. Use a timer to find out how long it takes you run or jog a mile. From there, try to gradually shorten that amount of time with each lap you complete.

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Cardiovascular fitness and endurance

The ability to walk or run for hours at a time can greatly serve you if you have to escape a disaster zone. When SHTF, you probably won’t be able to rely on vehicles or other modes of transportation to get you anywhere. All you will have are your two feet. They should be able to carry you far, even across rocky terrain. To begin your routine, you must first warm up. Then, you can follow this with a combination of running and walking to build up your stamina and endurance. Take occasional breaks to catch your breath if you have. The last thing you want to do is drop from exhaustion due to pushing yourself too hard. Focus on proper form so that you can run more efficiently, while using up less energy.

Weightlifting and strength training

Being able to lift heavy objects can come in handy for manual labor or for getting yourself out of perilous predicaments. For example, in the event of an earthquake, some debris might fall on you. If you are alone, you may have to rely on your own physical strength to get yourself out of the rubble. To build up your strength, you should alternate between doing weighted exercises and using weightlifting exercise machines. This will help to maximize your efficiency. Always remember to drink plenty of fluids to keep yourself hydrated.

Balance and coordination training

Balance and coordination are neurological fitness skills that have many practical applications. They can help you to traverse areas that require spatial reasoning and orientation, such as crossing a log bridge over a river or weaving through trees while hiking outdoors. Some activities that can help improve your coordination include juggling, playing catch, and jumping rope. You don’t have to learn how to walk a tightrope to improve your balance. Less extreme options include going through obstacle courses and playing hopscotch.

If you want to learn more ways to survive when SHTF, you can read more articles by going to

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