Home security is of monumental importance when SHTF… have you reviewed your security plan recently?

Your home is notionally your castle, a place that is meant to be safe for you and your family. Even preppers who plan to bug out when SHTF will stash some emergency supplies at their homes due to the sheer convenience. An article in The Prepper Journal recommended improving the security of your home to prevent thieves from taking advantage of your home and supplies while you are away.

Losing your carefully accumulated survival stockpile to burglars is just as terrible as not stockpiling in the first place. It can even be outright disastrous or deadly if the disaster you were expecting happens right as you are scrambling to rebuild your supplies.

Prevention is the best cure for a disease. In much the same vein, keeping thieves out of your home is cheaper, safer, and more effective in the long run. (Related: Looking to improve your home security? Here are 25 things you can do right now.)

Deny these advantages to a burglar

The best way to defeat an enemy is to understand his mindset. If you know what drives his actions, you can accurately guess what he is going to do. Then you can adopt measures to stop him in his tracks.

A burglar has three primary concerns on his mind: Time, sound, and visibility. If he takes too long, acts too noisily, or stick out like a sore thumb, he is more likely to draw attention and get caught in the act. Therefore, he wants to do his job in as little time as possible while making the least bit of sound and assuming the lowest possible visibility.

To deny him time, install additional locks on your doors and windows. Locks are not unbreakable, but they take time to defeat. Only the most determined or obsessed burglars will try to force their way through multiple locks.

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A loud sound will draw the attention of your neighbors or a passing police cruiser. In the past, people kept watch dogs that would bark at intruders or guard dogs that would take a bite out of trespassers. Nowadays, we have electronic alarms that can be heard from blocks away and cannot be poisoned.

Finally, eliminate any hiding places that a burglar can take advantage of. Trim down tall bushes in your garden, get rid of very big trees, and separate the smaller trees that are clustered together.

Consider supplementing traditional home security methods with smart gadgets

You might also want to consider investing in a couple of automated home security systems that use smart gadgets. Security cameras can keep an eye on suspicious activity. The remote versions let you see through their lenses even when you are far away.

Motion sensors are a good substitute for 24/7 lighting or cameras. They will be able to detect any intruders in low visibility conditions.

Smart locks will automatically lock your doors after you leave. Alarm systems will generate loud sounds – like the barking of a loud dog – that can get the attention of people.

These smart gadgets rely on a steady source of electricity. They can also be hacked. However, when combined with conventional means of security, they can deter potential thieves from targeting your home. And if you can keep them running after SHTF, they can continue to keep your stockpile safe.

These home security tips aren’t just limited to urban housing. Find out how they can be applied to your homestead at Homesteading.news.

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