How to prepare for these 5 common summer survival threats

Preppers remain vigilant even during summer. This doesn’t mean that they’re against having fun, though.

Prepping while on vacation simply means making sure that your loved ones can enjoy trips and stay safe at the same time. (h/t to

Here are five common summer survival threats that you have to prepare for.

1. Bites

Insect bites

When summer comes along, people don’t mind staying outdoors. However, this means you’re exposed to various insects longer. Common insect bites include bee and wasp stings, and flea, mosquito, and tick bites. Tick bites are dangerous because they can cause different illnesses, such as Lyme disease.

Bee and wasp stings may also be fatal to individuals who are allergic to them. These insects are hard to avoid when you’re outdoors, so always keep a first aid kit within easy reach. Keep antihistamines within reach, but only if there is a risk of a severe allergic reaction.

You can also use organic insect repellent or light a citronella candle when spending time outdoors.

Snake bites

Check if snakes are common in the area and stay on your guard. Do not attempt to catch or kill snakes because they continue to have bite reflexes even if they’re already dead.

Avoid snakes whenever you can, and wear shoes that protect your feet. Keep a snake bite kit in your gear if you’re hiking or participating in outdoor activities. (Related: The ultimate summer survival kit.)

2. Getting lost in the wilderness

It might seem funny to think about getting lost during a day trip, but it’s another common survival threat.

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To avoid getting lost, keep these tips in mind:

  • Carefully plan every daytime trip or hike, even if it’s a short journey.
  • Give everyone a whistle so they can signal for help during an emergency.
  • Have everyone in your group familiarize themselves with the route that you’re taking before you leave. Keep several backup paper maps so you know where to go even if you can’t use your smartphone map.
  • Pack enough food, water, and survival gear for your family.
  • Teach your kids that it’s dangerous to wander away.
  • Wear brightly colored clothes so you can easily find each other.

3. Getting stranded

People go on a lot of car trips during the summer, but if you’re not prepared you may get stranded in an unfamiliar place.

Avoid getting stranded by following these tips:

  • Always bring a car survival kit, with items like antifreeze, car jack, jumper cables, motor oil, etc.
  • Don’t rely on your GPS too much. Bring paper maps and printed directions as a backup.
  • Keep extra water and food in the car.
  • Maintain your car regularly and get the car serviced before going on long trips.
  • Plan your route before the trip.

4. Heat-related illnesses

Heat exhaustion

Heat exhaustion is caused by exposure to extreme heat while dehydrated. Symptoms of this condition include dizziness, fainting, heavy sweating, nausea, pale skin, and vomiting.

Heat exhaustion can be dangerous for individuals with high blood pressure/hypertension or heart problems. They will need immediate medical attention if they experience severe symptoms. Avoid strenuous activities during the hottest time of the day.

Heat rash

Heat rash refers to irritated skin because of exposure to too much heat. The rash manifests as small, red pimples and blisters. Keep skin cool and dry to soothe any discomfort.

Heat stroke

Extreme heat can make it hard to regulate your body temperature. A heat stroke occurs when your body temperature spikes up rapidly and it can’t cool down even when you’re sweating. If someone has a heat stroke, they need immediate medical attention.

Symptoms include confusion, dizziness, a high temperature, not sweating, and skin that’s hot to the touch. The condition may result in unconsciousness or even death.

Stay hydrated and stay in the shade when it’s too hot outside. Wear a cooling scarf or out a wet bandanna around your neck to alleviate the heat.


Always apply organic sunscreen if you’re spending some time in the sun to avoid getting a sunburn. Reapply your sunscreen every couple of hours.

5. Water dangers

Boat safety

People die annually because of boating accidents. It’s important to learn about boat safety before you go sailing, and you need to wear a life jacket even if you can swim. Be extra careful if you’re going sailing at night.


Prevent water dangers like drowning by keeping an eye on young children if they’re in the water. Even teenagers and adults can drown, so teach your family how to swim. Pool safety is another must.

Avoid these common summer survival threats and make the necessary preparations so the whole family can relax and have some fun in the sun.

You can read more articles with tips on how to prepare for common summer survival threats at

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