Keeping everything neat and organized even when preparing for a disaster

Are you familiar with the phrase, “A place for everything and everything in its place?” This isn’t just a catchy saying, it’s advice that comes in handy when things are relatively quiet, especially when it comes to your prepping gear and supplies.

Before SHTF, take the time to sort everything from clothing to food supplies. You don’t want to waste time rummaging through a messy storage room during an emergency, do you?

When your prepping supplies are sorted, counts and condition checks will go smoothly and it will be easier to rotate supplies. You don’t need to splurge on new containers. Simply re-purpose everyday items like bottles and jugs to keep items organized. (h/t

Repurposing and prepping

Use these tips to keep all your prepping supplies organized:

Closet organizers

Although closet organizers have some weight restrictions, they’re great for storing small food items like tea bags or assorted packets. You can also keep kids’ toys in them so they’re always within reach when your children are bored.

Curtain rods, loops, rings, and S-hooks

Curtain rods can be repurposed to hang things and keep them orderly. These come in handy when paired with rings and/or big S-hooks.

Hang rings or S-hooks in bathrooms or outdoor camping showers for bathroom organizers. Attach hooks to light baskets and tubs for easy access. These baskets can keep toiletries or kitchen items organized.

Rings and S-hooks can also be used to organize hats and gloves by the door while airflow will also let them dry faster. If you don’t have extra curtain rods, repurpose swingsets and bed frames from freebie listings or by the curb.

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Filing cabinets

Check out curbsides for freebie-pickup filing cabinets. Put several bars on top of two cabinets to keep various tools organized. If you spot planks of wood, place them on top of two filing cabinets to create “playrooms” for your kids that come with bonus storage for your gear.

Poles and suit hangers

Maximize space in a basement, shed, or storage room by putting up suit hangers or poles to hang up containers for odds and ends. You can use these makeshift hangers to store sewing supplies or vegetable seeds for your garden. These can also be used to organize herbs and spices in your stock room.

You can also utilize poles and suit hangers so you have quick access to office supplies or toiletries, eliminating the need to search through various drawers.

Shoe organizers

Cut out the bottoms of hanging shoe organizers if you want to customize height. With this storage option, you can leave pouches intact to store erasers, pens, and markers. Hang repurposed shoe organizers to keep charts by a control or radio room, or at a desk where you plan. Just don’t put too many items in them, or you risk having the whole thing collapse on you.

Shoe organizers are versatile and can be used to organize food, like various packets or energy bars, in your kitchen. Add stick-on labels or clothespins to repurposed shoe organizers keep track of dates for efficient organization.

Another use for shoe organizers is for seasonal clothing. Have a set for winter to store gloves, hats, and scarves in, and use the bottom row for slip-on slippers for household members and various pet accessories. They can also keep garden and yard work gloves and assorted items organized. (Related: Important tips for organizing your emergency food supply.)

Additionally, a shoe organizer can be used as a pre-staging area. Use the pockets to categorize items that you might need for various tasks like eyeglass repair kits, mini sewing kits, or outlet wall plates.

Wine boxes

Take a page out of storage ideas for wrapping paper, but apply it to your charts, maps, and plans instead. Your first option is to get an old wire shelf and attach it vertically to a wall or door. Several 250-milliliter (mL) wine boxes, which you can get for free at most alcohol retailers, are also perfect for keeping maps and charts organized.

Odd and ends for garage and shed storage

Since no one really sees what you keep in your garage or shed, you can use all sorts of re-purposed items for organization. Coat hangers and hooks with some bungee cord, chain, or looped rope can be used to keep heavy extension cords, hoses, and rope neatly coiled. You can reuse plastic containers for small parts for various tools, like extra bolts or screws.

For extra storage, you can utilize unused spaces in your house, such as:

  • Behind the sofa
  • Closet floors
  • Under beds
  • Under side tables

Time spent organizing is never wasted. As a prepper, you can always benefit from proper organization. Use the time you save by making sure that you have everything your family might need before SHTF.

You can read more articles about storage tips for your prepping supplies at

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