Bugout.news offers the latest tips and tricks for survival, prepping and off-grid living

Whether you are going it alone or in a group, getting ready to survive off the grid or preparing to make it through a natural disaster can be overwhelming. After all, there is a lot of information out there — and it can seem intimidating, especially if you’re just beginning to work on your preparedness. But bugging out doesn’t have to be an arduous endeavor; it can be made simple with tips, tricks and other ideas.

Most people, as it turns out, are not equipped to survive even the most common of adverse events, like hurricanes — never mind something even more disruptive, like a nuclear strike or an EMP attack. But if there’s one thing that’s important to know, it’s that you shouldn’t wait until the last minute to get prepared.

At Bugout.news, you can learn just about everything you need to know. If you’re just starting out on your preparedness journey and need to know what the “basics” are, you can learn. If you’re a dedicated prepper looking to learn more about surviving in the wild, there’s information on that too. At Bugout.news, you can find stories about the latest prepping tips and tricks, survival hacks, food independence and more.

Bettering your bugout plan

There are always ways to bugout better, aren’t there? Whether its devising alternate travel routes, consolidating your stash of supplies or refining your basic survival skills, there’s no shortage of things to take into consideration.

For example, if you’re planning out an evacuation route, it’s important to consider what traffic will be like. During a natural disaster, thousands upon thousands of people will also probably be fleeing from your area — and everyone is going to be headed for the same highway. Devising an alternate route for this kind of scenario could end up saving you hours of travel time (and the headache that comes with sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic).

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What to pack is also of great importance. This, of course, can vary depending on the situation you are facing. In the event of natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes, run-of-the-mill supplies like shelf-stable foods, water and water filters, first aid supplies, personal care products and such are going to be what you need. Maps, fire starters, basic tools and other survival equipment can be beneficial — especially if you’re a ways away from civilization or expect to be stranded for an undetermined amount of time.

But what about the kinds of disasters people don’t want to talk about?

What to do when SHTF?

We live in a world where total collapse could strike at any time, with nary a moment’s notice. Nuclear strikes, EMP attacks and other feats of technology for war are real — as is the threat they pose. There are many ways one can prepare for natural disasters, but stronger, more destructive threats exist and require more targeted preparations.

For example, there are specific items you need to be prepared for a nuclear explosion. A gas mask and gas mask filters are must-haves for this sort of attack; hazmat suits and geiger counters can also be useful. A geiger counter can help you stay away from radiation danger zones.

While a hazmat suit can protect you against many things, it cannot protect against ionizing radiation. But, a hazmat suit can have other uses, though: In the event a weaponized virus is released, that suit could become invaluable.

There is much more to learn when it comes to the world of preparedness and bugging out. You can learn about all of this and more at Bugout.news.

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