Smart reasons to always have a multi-tool with you

Necessity is the mother of invention, but disaster is the mother of necessity. Today’s world of conflict and uncertainty dictates that we must always be prepared for anything. However, you can’t always bring your prepper bag, which is why pocket tools were invented.

A multi-tool is the best bet you have during unexpected disasters. Multi-tools are pocket-sized gadgets that can be used for many things, due to the number of foldable tools it features. One great example is the Swiss Army Knife, which isn’t just a knife, but a “toolbox” that fits in your pocket. These multi-tools can fetch a high price, but getting your own multi-tool can be a lifelong asset instead of an unnecessary luxury. Here are some points to consider to convince you to get your own multi-tool.

  • First response – We all know how a seat belt can get stuck during vehicular accidents (as always portrayed in movies), so having a pocket tool with you is incredibly valuable. Using the built-in knife, you can cut through the seat belt, freeing the victim. Regarding cars: The multi-tool has pliers, screwdrivers to fix mechanical objects (such as your car’s engine), and some even have small saws to slice off the cracked part of a radiator hose. Another thing to note is that multi-tools are built with sturdy materials, therefore you can use them like a hammer to break glass when needed, such as the window or windshield of a car if you need to get out of a sinking vehicle.
  • First aid – In relation to accidents, you’ll never know when you need to cut open some jeans to reach the injured part of a leg. Some multi-tools have tweezers, which you can use to remove a wood splinter. Foldable scissors in multi-tools can cut hard-to-tear gauze wraps and bandages when necessary.
  • Convenience – Who needs to bring a whole toolbox when you already have the essentials? The many tools in a multi-tool device offer convenience for those daily activities that require bulky implements. These even have corkscrews you can use to open a champagne bottle during a surprise celebration, or pop a bottle of beer when your friend unexpectedly comes over with a six pack. Having a multi-tool in your pocket will save you the time it takes to grab a pair of scissors from the kitchen in your backdoor patio. Same thing goes for wilderness lovers – there are times when you might forget something at home, like eating utensils. Simply whip out your trusty multi-tool and whittle up a spoon and a fork.
  • Safety – Just thinking about the news makes most people cower in fear. One of the best survival tips include ensuring your safety as the first and foremost thing to do. Having a pocket knife or multi-tool at the ready helps you prepare for anything that might jump out of a corner. Anything you have in your hand can be a weapon, but it’s always better to have something that can wound, especially in times of desperation. As violent as it may seem, gouging out an attacker’s eye with a screwdriver from a multi-tool will definitely help you escape. Not everyone can lug around a bug-out bag all the time, so a multi-tool is the best thing to have at all times.

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Some tips from the pros: Having a multi-tool doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a complete tool set. Multi-tools are for convenience, and you don’t want them to be as big as your foot. Keep in mind that you should only have what you deem is necessary. In addition to that, having a knife in your multi-tool may come in handy, but getting a separate knife, such as a fixed blade (survival knife) or an assist-opening knife may be more useful.

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