Treating burns when SHTF: Natural ingredients for any survival scenario

Burns are one of the nastiest injuries out there, but they are generally easy to treat – if you’re dealing with a first- or second-degree burn that is. Medical attention isn’t always readily available, but luckily, there are some natural remedies for burns found in your very kitchen.

Here are some natural home remedies for treating different kinds of burns that will save you a trip to the hospital. (h/t to

Assess the severity of the injury

It’s important to first understand what degree of burn you’re dealing with to determine the type of treatment it will need.

  • First-degree burn – This is a mild burn affecting the epidermis or the outer layer of skin. First degree burns may cause pain and redness, but not that severe as to raise concern. Sunburn is one example of a first-degree burn; it isn’t life-threatening at all and can be handled with one or more of the home remedies you will see below.
  • Second-degree burn – This affects the epidermis and the underlying layer called dermis. It can result in blisters and is much more painful than a first-degree burn. Though they pose a greater threat, these burns aren’t too serious and can also be treated with natural treatments. Still, it is advisable to seek medical help even with home remedies on hand.
  • Third-degree burn – This is the most severe type of burn and requires urgent medical attention. This type of burn damages the deepest skin layers, as well as blood vessels, glands, nerves, fat, and even muscle or bone. The injury goes so deep into the skin that the pain receptors may get damaged, causing a rather painless injury.

Home remedies for treating burns

Now that you’ve assessed the category of burns you’re dealing with, here are a couple of natural home remedies that may help soothe burns. Note that these remedies may not be the best option for severe burns.

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  1. Honey – Honey can be a great natural burn treatment, thanks to its antibiotic activity. It will keep bacteria and infections at bay. Apply as much honey as you can spare, or put some on a gauze bandage and keep it on throughout the day, changing the bandage three to four times.
  2. Vinegar – For burn treatment, soak a cotton ball or a compress in diluted vinegar and apply to the burn. Working as an astringent and antiseptic, the vinegar will clean and sanitize the burned area, preventing infection and healing the burn faster.
  3. Baking soda works – Another popular home remedy for burns, baking soda will help reduce swelling and pain. Just add water to turn it into a paste and apply it gently over the burned area. Let it dry, then rinse and repeat. You can add it to any type of burn EXCEPT chemical burns, as it may trigger an unwanted chemical reaction and make the injury worse.

Treating burns is no easy task, and it helps if you are educated enough on different types of burns to determine the kind of treatment to apply, or if it’s best to let medical professionals handle it. The home remedies above can be applied to mild burns such as sunburn, and even burns from a flame source (except third-degree burns). (Related: High-dose vitamin D found to HEAL sunburns by activating skin repair genes… so why won’t dermatologists recommend vitamin D?)

However, burns from corrosive chemicals may need a different approach altogether, as chemicals tend to react to different kinds of substances and the home remedies might only worsen the burn. There are also burns from an electrical source, which may affect the heart as well as the skin.

Educate yourself on other kinds of injuries and how to properly treat them by visiting

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