How to survive a pandemic when the pharmacies have all been looted and prescription antibiotics are wiped out

A recent undercover investigation conducted by BBC found that several McDonalds, Burger Kings and KFC restaurants in the United Kingdom were serving their customers ice that contained fecal bacteria. The investigation revealed that the coliform bacteria, which can be found in both human and animal feces, was present in thirty percent of the ice samples from McDonalds, sixty percent of the ice samples from Burger King and seventy percent of the ice samples from Kentucky Fried Chicken.

This is unfortunately the reality of the world we live in today. Harmful bacteria and viruses really are out there, and if we’re not careful, millions of lives may one day be in jeopardy. (Related: The Bird Flu has been found at multiple poultry farms in Alabama.) Just in the past several years there have been legitimate concerns raised over the spread of the Swine Flu and Ebola, both of which had the potential to turn into massive pandemics if they weren’t properly contained. But what if the next global disease outbreak happens sooner than we expect? Are you prepared to survive when the pharmacies have all been looted and prescription antibiotics have been wiped out?

First, it is important to understand one of the main mistakes most people will make in the onset of a pandemic so that you yourself can avoid doing it. Many people will inevitably make the grave error of going out of their house and living their day-to-day lives as if they are immune. What’s worse is that people may not know that they have already contracted the disease, but still decide to go out anyway because they have yet to show any signs or symptoms. Indeed, nearly every transmissible disease has an incubation period where the infected person does not feel any different than they normally do, and its impossible to know on the surface whether or not the virus is starting to take over their body.

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In the event of a national or global pandemic, chances are you’re going to need to quarantine someone at some point, whether it’s a member of your family, a friend, a stranger that you took into your group, or even yourself. In an ideal situation, it’s best to choose a quarantine area that is completely separated from the living quarters of the uninfected. If you are unable to quarantine someone in a separate area such as a garage or a barn and you have no choice but to house the infected person within your home, make sure that you put him or her in a room that does not have ducting connected to the rest of the house. Also, be sure to crack a window in the room as well so that air inside of the house can flow out.

There are a number of items that you will want to have in your possession ahead of time to give you and your group the best chance of survival. Things like duct tape, extra toilet paper for sanitation purposes, HEPA filters for air filtration, antibacterial soap, gloves, and several gallons of bleach to sanitize everything you own can literally mean the difference between life and death.

The Health Ranger Mike Adams will be a featured speaker at the upcoming Immune Defense Summit, which you can register for and watch online for free from July 24th to July 31st. The Health Ranger will be offering crucial information regarding cancer prevention, surviving deadly infections, treating superbugs with natural antibiotics and surviving a pandemic. Other topics throughout the summit include toxic metals that damage immunity, herbal remedies for enhanced immunity, autoimmune disease solutions, cellular stress and its link to disease, dental dangers that can negatively impact your immune function, and much more. To register, go to the this Immune Defense Summit link. This is an event that you don’t want to miss.

Learn more about natural antibiotics at

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