EMERGENCY Action Item: Join us in reporting Boston Herald journo-terrorists to the Boston FBI and Boston Police

This is an emergency action alert from Natural News.

Earlier this week, the Boston Herald openly published an editorial representing the views of its entire editorial staff, essentially calling for government-run execution squads to mass murder scientists, journalists and naturopathic physicians who oppose mercury in vaccines. According to the Boston Herald, all these people should be “hanged to death” for daring to question the quack science cult of vaccine fundamentalism.

This was not an April Fools’ joke by the Boston Herald. The newspaper, which has now revealed itself to be a domestic terrorism group, deliberately intends to see people like myself murdered by the government in order to appease their pharmaceutical interests.

UPDATE: Health Choice Massachusetts has announced a RALLY in front of the Boston Herald this Thursday, May 18th, at 11:00 am. Click here for details on the rally. Alert all your friends in Boston to attend this rally for health freedom at 70 Fargo St, Boston, MA 02110.

The Boston Herald justifies this call for mass murder — a felony crime under U.S. law — by claiming that because a few dozen children in Minnesota caught the measles — a common infection similar to chicken pox — and that the millions of Americans who oppose government-enforced vaccine violence should all be mass slaughtered in a Holocaust-level execution event to somehow make up for it.

I have already begun the process of filing criminal complaints with the FBI and the Boston Police, but we also need bloggers, journalists, scientists and naturopaths in the state of Massachusetts who can file local complaints with law enforcement to investigate and potentially prosecute these Boston Herald domestic terrorists who are posing as journalists.

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So please share this post and place calls, complaints, tweets and other posts using the links below:

File a criminal complaint with the Boston Police (only for those living in MA)

The Boston Police contact page.

Boston Police phone: 617-343-4500.


Boston Police Twitter handle: @BostonPolice

File a criminal complaint with the Boston FBI

FBI Boston Field Office link.

201 Maple Street
Chelsea, MA 02150
(857) 386-2000



File a complaint about the Boston Herald at https://tips.fbi.gov/

Call 1-800-CALLFBI (225-5324) for the Major Case Contact Center

What to report to the FBI: Explain that you are a someone who is informed and critical about toxic vaccine ingredients such as mercury, and that the Boston Herald editorial staff just called for you to be murdered. If you feel threatened by this advocacy of violence by the Boston Herald, explain this to the FBI. If you feel like your life is in danger, also share this with the FBI. If you are willing to, tell the FBI you are able to be interviewed or to serve as a witness in a criminal trial against the Boston Herald terrorists.

Massachusetts Attorney General

Maura Healey, Attorney General main contact page.

Click here to file a complaint with the Attorney General’s Office.

Boston office:

One Ashburton Place
Boston, MA 02108-1518
Phone: (617) 727-2200
TTY: (617) 727-4765

Demand the Boston Herald retract its terrorism threat

Boston Herald Twitter handle: @BostonHerald

Boston Herald contact page link.

Switchboard: 617-426-3000
Arts & Lifestyle: 617-619-6315
Business News: 617-619-6496
City Desk: 617-619-6514
Sports: 617-619-6410
School Services: 617-619-6223
Library: 617-619-6332
Retail Advertising: 617-619-6185
Photos: 617-619-6499
E-mail: letterstoeditor@bostonherald.com

Boston Herald
70 Fargo St
Boston, MA 02210

