Lawmakers preparing for societal collapse with plans to set up “survivalist communities”

I have lost track of how many times I have seen survivalists, preppers and those recommending that everyone prepare for disaster or catastrophe, have been mocked, accused of fear porn or any other derogatory statement that deniers or trolls throw out, but we see now that two South Carolina lawmakers are now making plans for “survivalist communities,” for what they consider to be an inevitable societal collapse, whether from an attack from a foreign nation, a natural catastrophe, economic collapse or an EMP.

( Article by Susan Duclos from )

For those concerned about societal collapse or impending disaster, two South Carolina lawmakers have a plan. It includes community ammo depots and tactical weapons training.

State Reps. Josiah Magnuson, R-Campobello, and Jonathon Hill, R-Townville — both from tiny towns in the Upstate Bible Belt — are in the process of setting up what they call the “Virtue Solution Project,” a group that is seeking to either save America or survive a societal collapse, which they both believe is likely coming.

The organization is a mixture of religious ministry, grassroots political organizing and disaster prepping. At its core, their movement hopes to save the country by reshaping it to their interpretation of the Founding Fathers’ ideals.

Their plan includes setting up “community preparedness centers,” which will provide access to “reading material, tools, food storage, ammo, and more.”  They want these “micro-hubs” or “light houses” to provide education to their members on first aid, farming, spiritual leadership, energy sources and to teach them “tactical defense.” They are also encouraging other community leaders to form their own survivalist communities. Their vision appears to be that these types of communities will be set up all across America, so that when catastrophe strikes, those participating will be prepared for a “fresh beginning in America.”

“There’s probably going to be a lot of little crises, but there will eventually come a point where there is a major disaster of some sort in our country, in all likelihood,” Magnuson said during one of the lectures he gave in the past year and downloaded onto YouTube.

“We need to be ready for that, and that will give us an opportunity to have a fresh beginning.”

Magnuson also tell The Post and Courier ” “I think all Christians understand that there is a prophetic element to this, living in the end times and so forth.”

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