07/15/2021 / By Arsenio Toledo
Many preppers can fall victim to the doom and gloom that surrounds the community. Preppers spend a lot of their free time preparing for what to do when SHTF, and this can be very stressful and lead to many depressive thoughts.
There is a reason for the doom and gloom. The world is very fragile and many disasters are just waiting to happen. But the fear of SHTF should not rule the lives of preppers like yourself.
The depression and the stress that comes with thinking about TEOTWAWKI may be overwhelming at times, but there are ways to alleviate the despair. Instead of wallowing in the doom and gloom, here are four things preppers like yourself can do instead to be proactive.
Instead of despairing at the possible future fate of the world, preppers like yourself can focus on building their knowledge base and learning skills for TEOTWAWKI. All of the knowledge and skills you acquire will help you figure out what to do in a variety of disaster and SHTF situations.
Knowing what to do helps build confidence, and having enough confidence in your own abilities helps to minimize fear of TEOTWAWKI.
If you don’t believe you have enough skills, take out a notebook and jot down all of the skills you have learned, are learning and want to learn. Put this notebook away and look at it again after some time. If you put in the work, you will see all of your accomplishments and how much you have grown as a prepper.
Now that you have built up your unique set of preparedness and survival skills, it is time to take your prepping up a notch by becoming more self-reliant.
Nobody can be fully self-reliant, but it is still important to build independent systems to help mitigate the disasters that come with TEOTWAWKI.
There are a variety of self-reliant infrastructures that you can build up. One of the first things you can do is figure out how to grow your own food. Not being able to find food during SHTF situations is terrible. If you are unable to grow your own food due to your present circumstances, consider other ways you can stave off hunger during disasters. This includes stockpiling emergency food or learning how to hunt or fish.
Most preppers are all on their own. Solitude can make preppers lonely, and leave them to dwell on their thoughts. These thoughts might revolve around the aforementioned doom and gloom of the possible future. This is why preppers such as yourself need to have somebody to talk to about preparedness and survival.
Having somebody who understands the steps you are taking to protect yourself in case of a disaster can be very heartwarming. This person will be able to identify with your ideas and validate your feelings regarding the future of humanity and the earth. This itself can be a very powerful feeling.
To find like-minded individuals, consider joining the local gun club at your neighborhood’s gun range. You could also join an urban gardening community, a ham radio club or a similar neighborhood group.
If the above examples don’t interest you, there are ways you can connect with other preppers through the internet. Consider joining prepper mailing lists and email groups or even preparedness and survival-oriented chatrooms and forums.
Another way you can find people who understand your preparedness and survival attitudes is to make your own prepping group. (Related: No man is an island: The benefits of helping your community learn how to prep before SHTF.)
One good way to make a prepping community is to talk about preparedness and survival with groups of people that you are already close or heavily involved with. If you and your neighbors regularly meet up for drinks or barbecues, consider talking about how well prepared you all are for potential disasters. If you head over to your local gun range every weekend, consider chatting up the people there about stockpiling more ammunition for SHTF situations.
Creating a network of preppers that you can trust can be beneficial. During disasters, you will be able to pool resources and share skills to greatly increase your odds of surviving. You can also feel more protected due to strength in numbers.
There is a place for doom and gloom. The looming threat of a disaster might help spur you on to prep quickly and with more efficiency. But too much of it can be very dangerous, which is why you should figure out ways to be proactive.
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Tagged Under: accountability, Collapse, community preparedness, community prepping, community survival, confidence, disaster, disaster preparedness, disaster survival, homesteading, preparedness, prepping, self-reliance, SHTF, survival, TEOTWAWKI
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