By Jose Lopez
Rat burger: Why you may need to eat rodents for survival
If SHTF comes, would you be able to eat mice and rats? The idea of eating mice and rats is so disgusting for most people that anyone who brings up the topic will be shushed. Just saying the words “mouse” and especially “rat” is enough to make most listeners cringe. And yet these may be the […]
By Edsel Cook
How to recycle plastic food bottles for TEOTWAWKI
One day, when the world as we know it comes to a crashing end, the seemingly endless supply of plastic bottles – among many other consumer products – will dry up. Preppers are advised to stockpile these versatile containers while they can, and an article in Survivopedia gives ten ways of reusing them in a […]
By Tracey Watson
A list of medical supplies you need to be stockpiling NOW before SHTF
The end of the world as we know it (TEOTWAWKI): Perhaps a few years ago we would have laughed at the preppers who insisted that a huge-scale disaster could be just around the corner. Most of us aren’t laughing anymore. The world, as we once knew it, is no more. It feels like we are surrounded […]
By Edsel Cook
The difference between preppers and homesteaders
Homesteaders and preppers might sound like completely different groups of people, but they tend to share many of their beliefs and practices. An article on Survival Sullivan covers their differences, similarities, and what they can learn from each other. Both groups have rather diverse memberships. Some preppers fit the general public’s image of the doomsday […]
By Edsel Cook
A guide to rebuilding after TEOTWAWKI
So “the end of the world as we know it” (TEOTWAWKI) has arrived in whatever form it takes. Do you have what it takes to rebuild from scratch? An article on The Organic Prepper presents a guide to reconstructing what has been lost. As part of your preparations, you should have preserved as many books […]
By Rhonda Johansson
For the survivalist prepper: How to build a fire AND remain hidden in the wild
Fire: The stolen gift of the gods given to humanity by the titan, Prometheus, that damned him to an eternity of torment. Without fire, society would never flourish and progress would never occur. This survival staple is also without comparison – and any prepper knows that after water and shelter, the most important thing to have […]
By Edsel Cook
For when TEOTWAWKI happens: How to protect yourself from biohazards
The end of the world as we know it (TEOTWAWKI) could result from pandemics of antibiotic-resistant superbugs used by terrorists. But there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones from the threat posed by these biological hazards, as stated by a Beans, Bullets, Bandages and You article. Biohazards are harmful organic substances that […]
By Janine Acero
Do you have a homestead? Here are 20 reasons why you should have one
Preparing for any disaster is a good survival mindset. One of the ways you can do this is to have a homestead. Self-reliance will be your best weapon during any disaster, and a homestead is the perfect place to store all the survival gear you will need and access alternative power. Living on a homestead may significantly […]
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