09/11/2019 / By Zoey Sky
Securing your survival stockpile at home is only the first step when it comes to prepping supplies before SHTF. With a little creativity, you can also hide a cache of supplies throughout your home and even beyond your property. (h/t to BeansBulletsBandagesAndYou.com)
Don’t stop after you’ve found a good hiding place for your food cache. Protect your supplies from various threats to ensure that the items will still be there when you need them most.
There are two major threats to caches: deterioration and theft. While the latter can be prevented by sturdy locks and clever hiding places, specific measures need to be taken in order to avoid your supplies from deteriorating due to the passage of time or other factors.
Prevent the deterioration of supplies in your cache by considering how you’re exposing the items to likely threats.
The best way to protect your cache from thieves is by using a sturdy lock. While this method isn’t 100 percent tamper-proof because locks can still be picked, a strong enough lock can frustrate a burglar enough to leave your supplies alone.
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If your property is spacious enough, lock your supplies in a shipping container. A container won’t just keep out a thief; it can also keep out pests.
Hide extra keys to your shipping container. If you lose one set, you can use the backup to access your supplies after SHTF.
To secure important documents, use a fireproof lockbox.
It’s also a good idea to secure your firearms in a gun safe that’s bolted to your walls. For maximum security, the bolts should only be accessible from inside the safe.
Thieves are generally impatient, especially when they’re short on time. They will target things that are expensive or specialty items that they think can sell for a high price.
If your cache is well-hidden or plain-looking, burglars may ignore it. Consider setting up an in-ground cache and parking an old car over it. Make sure you can quickly and easily move the car if you need to access your supplies.
Never hide keys to your cache in common hiding spots like under a doormat or under a potted plant. Secure keys in unusual spots that only you or someone you trust can access.
Secure duplicate sets of important items all over your property. If a natural disaster like a tornado destroys your house and your pantry full of survival supplies, you can head to your cache of backup items.
Plan ahead and secure your caches before SHTF. Hide these replacements where they have a greater chance of surviving anything that may cut off your access to the first set of supplies. Doing this ensures that you can still access your preps even if you find yourself needing them while you’re not at your main storage site.
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Tagged Under: bug in, bug out, bugging in, bugging out, caches, caching, Collapse, disaster, DIY, emergency food, emergency preparedness, food supplies, Gear, good storage, home security, how-to, off grid, preparedness, prepping, prepping tips, preps, self sufficiency, self-reliance, self-sustainability, SHTF, survival gear, survival skills, survival supplies, wilderness survival