wild foods
By Darnel Fernandez
Berry foraging: How to identify and harvest 8 wild berries
Proper preparation can go a long way in increasing your chances of survival when facing an emergency situation. However, no matter how much food you stockpile and defenses you set up, you might be forced to bug out to a much safer location, even if it means taking a detour through the wilderness. In these […]
By Melissa Smith
Here’s a handy guide to safely foraging for wild edibles
A good guideline when foraging is to never eat anything that you don’t fully recognize: Many plants in the wild that may look edible but are actually poisonous. There are also some telltale signs to help you identify which plants are not safe to eat. (h/t to Survivopedia.com) One of the most common signs of a poisonous […]
By Mary Miller
Common weeds that can be used as food and medicine
Weeds might be a nuisance to gardeners, but they can save your life if you know how to use them. When SHTF, you can look for a variety of lowly and common weeds to use as sources of nutrition or as natural remedies. Learn how to survive the wild by identifying these common weeds and using […]
By Mary Miller
Learn about these weeds that can be used to treat disease or provide nutrition when things go sour
If you have a garden, you’ve probably encountered some weeds growing in your carefully cultivated space. These commonly undesirable plants are typically seen as a nuisance or a waste of lawn space by both gardeners and non-gardeners alike. However, a prepper with a keen eye might find some beneficial use for these plants. When SHTF, […]
By Zoey Sky
Learn to identify these poisonous plants that look edible but could kill you
Foraging is a crucial skill for any prepper. After all, knowing which plants are edible and which ones are poisonous can literally save your life when SHTF and your supplies run out. Keep your prepping skills updated by learning about the 10 poisonous plants included in the list below. (h/t to PreppersWill.com) Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) Belladonna, […]
By Michelle Simmons
How to safely forage for food when things turn sour
For long-term survival situations, knowing how to forage is important. Foraging needs a good knowledge of the environment and some practice in the wild, but these six tips can help you when foraging: (h/t to PreppersWill.com.) Eat only what you know: When looking for food, it’s best to stick with what you know. There are […]
By Tracey Watson
Why you should learn about herbs in your area: Wild edibles and medicinal plants can offer food security
Food insecurity caused by drought, war, poverty and high rates of population growth has left around 800 million – or one in nine – people chronically hungry and unable to derive the necessary nutrition from their daily food supply. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) explains that since 80 percent of people in the most affected countries […]
By Janine Acero
Foraging wild edibles: Berry basics to help identify what’s safe and what isn’t
Preparing for any emergency increases your chances of survival, and knowing how to forage in the wild is one of the most useful skills to have. If you find yourself forced to survive in the woods, it is important to know which plants could be your next meal and which ones could be your last. […]
By Zoey Sky
Is it edible? 3 easy steps to determine if you’ve found something edible in the wild
Preppers have a well-rounded set of skills and if they’re stuck in the wilderness, they have the know-how to survive for a couple of weeks or even longer. Do you know how to identify edibles if you’re lost while hiking or camping? Once you’re in a safe zone, triage your needs immediately. Remember the top […]
By Vicki Batts
HOGpocalypse taking over Texas with millions of wild pigs… but it’s also easy wild food in a collapse
Wild pig populations in Texas are continuing to expand at a rapid pace. While this may not be the best news for farmers and landowners looking to secure their property, there is an upside to the proliferation of piggies: They are a great source of wild food. According to Texas Parks and Wildlife, feral pigs […]
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