water filters
By Mary Miller
How to make your own homemade water filter
Water is essential to survival, even more so than food. Even in the best of conditions, you probably won’t last more than 10 days without access to clean, drinking water, but you might be able to survive for four to six weeks without food. At the same time, it is important to either purify, filter, […]
By Zoey Sky
A survivalist’s guide to water: How to source it in the wild, how much you need, and how to prevent dehydration
Preppers know that hydration is crucial to your survival, especially when you’re outdoors. In a worst-case scenario, you can die from dehydration. On average, you can survive without water for about three to five days, depending on the environment you’re in, but there are reports of people who have died after only several hours of […]
By Zoey Sky
What you need to know about water purification so you won’t put your life at risk
As a prepper, you can ensure the quality of your water supply by learning about water purification. This knowledge can also help you choose the best water bottles and filters when you’re looking for prepping gear. Refer to these five tips about water purification so you can gather potable water when you’re out in the […]
By Rita Winters
Survival tips when collecting potable drinking water in the wilderness
If you ever find yourself lost in the wilderness, one of the first things you need to have is water. This article will show you the different ways to collect clean and safe drinking water. (h/t to OutdoorAdventureGuide.co.uk.) Look to the skies — Rainwater is the easiest way to collect water in an open environment. […]
By Russel Davis
How to secure water during an emergency disaster
Water is an essential commodity, especially during trying times such as emergencies and natural disasters, due to its many roles in body function. An article featured on the Live Science website notes that the human body is made up of 65 percent water, which explains why it is important for survival. According to the article, water flows […]
By Ethan Huff
The prepper’s secret: Sneaky places to hide your survival water stockpile
Stockpiling emergency supplies in preparation for the worst is never a bad idea. But knowing how to properly store your crisis necessities – and what to store them in – in order to avoid contamination, theft, or other loss is key to ensuring that you and your family maintain quick and easy access to these […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Do you have a safe source of water for a SHTF situation? Top 5 water purification mistakes
Everybody knows that you need water to live. Without it, you’d be pushing in as little as 72 hours. What isn’t as common, however, is knowing how to purify water properly. If you think making potable water simply involves running it through a filter — you’ve just made one of the most common mistakes in water purification. […]
By Derek Henry
4 things you’ll absolutely need when SHTF
If recent months have taught us anything, it’s that a disaster can leave people in an emergency and fragile state for weeks, and even months. As Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria proved, when basic necessities are knocked out or taken away, things can get ugly in a hurry. Keep in mind that natural disasters are […]
By JD Heyes
Prepping saves lives: Life is hell in Puerto Rico as food, water remains “scarce” and power is nearly nonexistent
If ever there was a real-life example of why being independently prepared to handle any long-term emergency or crisis, it’s Puerto Rico. It’s been a week since Hurricane Maria ravaged the Caribbean Island nation, and while some help is arriving, “most food stores and restaurants remain closed,” The Associated Press reported, largely because the power […]
By JD Heyes
Nightmare scenario for millions in wake of powerful hurricanes as unprepared survivors run out of food and water
There’s an old expression that goes, “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.” I was reminded of that saying very often observing the situation before and after Hurricanes Harvey and Irma hit Texas and Florida, respectively. And I’m quite certain I’m not the only prepper who was. I’ll explain. […]
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