survival food
By Darnel Fernandez
Berry foraging: How to identify and harvest 8 wild berries
Proper preparation can go a long way in increasing your chances of survival when facing an emergency situation. However, no matter how much food you stockpile and defenses you set up, you might be forced to bug out to a much safer location, even if it means taking a detour through the wilderness. In these […]
By Zoey Sky
Prepper recipes: How to make nutrient-rich pinole, an ancient Aztec superfood
An important component in preparing for disasters is learning how to make nutritious food that can keep up your energy during a long-term survival scenario. If you’re looking for one such recipe, try making pinole. (h/t to What is pinole? In Christopher McDougall’s book, “Born to Run,” he talks about people from the legendary […]
By Darnel Fernandez
For coffee-loving preppers: 2 Ways to make coffee without electricity
Coffee is a big part of many people’s routines that even if SHTF, you would be hard-pressed to find people willing to give up their daily cup of joe. In most situations, preppers would simply add coffee to the ever-growing number of supplies to stockpile. If things get stressful and they want to feel energized, […]
By Grace Olson
Guerrilla gardening tips: How to hide survival food in plain sight
Not everyone would be prepared when SHTF. This means looters may come rushing to your home to steal your supplies. Outdoor gardens are especially vulnerable. You can install security systems all around your property to dissuade potential thieves, but even the most desperate ones may figure out a way around them. One of the best ways […]
By Grace Olson
Protein-rich and portable emergency foods for your survival stockpile
Sources of protein are some of the most difficult foods to acquire during an SHTF situation. Common protein sources such as meat and dairy products require special storage and are not easily carried everywhere. However, other great foods are both rich in protein and portable – ideal for bugging out. (h/t to Add the […]
By Grace Olson
Edibles in plain sight: 15 Common wild plants that are safe to eat
When you’re in the wild, the usual food sources may no longer be available. You’ll need to find your own food through hunting or foraging. These skills rely greatly on your knowledge of which foods you can eat. (h/t to Aside from catchig fish and hunting wild animals, there are also wild plants that you […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Urban prepping tips and tricks: How to cultivate inner city gardens
For most people, living in the city has many advantages. Not only do you have access to many dining and entertainment options, but you can also potentially be within the proximity of your workplace. However, one thing you wouldn’t get from living in a big city is easy access to natural resources. While you can go to your […]
By Zoey Sky
Food storage tips: Why you need to stockpile wheat before SHTF (Plus a recipe for “prepper’s bread”)
When SHTF, it’s a good thing to have a supply of ready-to-eat meals and snacks to save time on food prep. However, you also need access to ingredients that can be used to make fresh food to ensure that your body gets all the nutrition it needs. This is where wheat comes in. (h/t to […]
By Zoey Sky
Home canning basics: Which foods are safe for canning?
Whether you’re preserving produce that you grew in your backyard or you want to build up your emergency food supply, home canning is a useful skill to have as a homesteader and as a prepper. (h/t to Before you start processing fruits and vegetables from your garden, you need to learn which foods suit home canning and which […]
By Zoey Sky
Prickly but valuable: How to use thistles as food, herbal medicine and cordage when SHTF
Weeds like bull thistle aren’t usually welcome in home gardens. But while most gardeners consider bull thistle as invasive plants, you can use certain types of thistle as a food source, an herbal remedy, and emergency cordage. (h/t to What is bull thistle? Bull thistle (Cirsium horridulum), also called bristly thistle, is an herb with distinctive […]
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