By Mike Adams
Happy New Year, America! Are you really ready for 2018? Here’s a list of 20+ things that could erupt without warning…
Happy New Year, America! Somehow, we all survived 2017 and we’re still breathing. America hasn’t been shattered yet, North Korea hasn’t yet nuked us and Baltimore still has at least a few citizens who aren’t heroin addicts. The dollar hasn’t collapsed and neither has the stock market. Heck, even Bitcoin is still over $12,000 right […]
By Mike Adams
For the record: No, the world isn’t ending this Saturday (but yes, humanity will destroy itself soon enough)
Despite the popular predictions of some prophecy-minded groups, the world isn’t ending this Saturday. I fully realize many people will be seriously disappointed by such a notion, because it means that all the problems you have to deal with today will still be there for you to deal with on Monday. While the idea of […]
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