Planet X
By Mike Adams
For the record: No, the world isn’t ending this Saturday (but yes, humanity will destroy itself soon enough)
Despite the popular predictions of some prophecy-minded groups, the world isn’t ending this Saturday. I fully realize many people will be seriously disappointed by such a notion, because it means that all the problems you have to deal with today will still be there for you to deal with on Monday. While the idea of […]
By Ethan Huff
Doomsday theorist says planet Nibiru will destroy Earth before September 23rd… should we cancel Halloween?
A Christian astronomer has issued a dire warning that, based on all the evidence he’s compiled over the years – some of which he says he’s observed personally as it happened – the Earth (or at least sizable portions of it) is about to be destroyed by a mystery planet often referred to as Nibiru. […]
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