By Darnel Fernandez
Berry foraging: How to identify and harvest 8 wild berries
Proper preparation can go a long way in increasing your chances of survival when facing an emergency situation. However, no matter how much food you stockpile and defenses you set up, you might be forced to bug out to a much safer location, even if it means taking a detour through the wilderness. In these […]
By Mary Gardner
Fire starting tips and tricks: How to use a ferro rod (fire steel)
Fire making is a basic bushcraft skill that all preppers should know. A simple campfire can allow you to cook food, boil water, keep you warm and even signal for help. One way to start a fire is to use a ferrocerium rod. Also known as a ferro rod or fire steel, this handy survival […]
By Mary Miller
5 Poisonous plants to watch out for in your back yard
Decorating your garden with bright and colorful plants can certainly liven up your home, but be warned – the most beautiful plants can sometimes be the deadliest. These plants may be pleasing to the eye but more often than not, their vibrant hues are meant as a warning of the deadly toxins they contain. If you’re not careful, […]
By Arsenio Toledo
How to find a person lost in the wilderness: A detailed guide
Tracking a person through the wilderness is a difficult task. The person you’re looking for may be young or suffering from dementia or some other mental handicap. They may not be thinking clearly due to fear, injury, panic, exhaustion or a combination of those and other factors. Here’s a detailed guide on how to help […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Survival 101: How to suture a wound when out in the wilderness
Providing proper first aid is not only an essential survival skill, but also an important skill to learn in everyday life. Accidents can happen when you’re out and about, and sometimes an accident leads to gaining a large, gaping wound. In this situation, learning how to suture or stitch up a wound can potentially save […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Camping 101: 10 Basic skills every camper should have
Camping isn’t just a hobby you partake in during the weekends. It’s also an activity that requires a certain set of skills that are necessary to ensure your safety and improve the quality of your camping experience. Here are 10 things you should learn to be a better camper. (h/t to TheSurvivalCorps.com) Learn to plan your trip […]
By Mary Miller
6 Ways to prevent dehydration in a survival scenario
Your body naturally loses water every day, either through sweating, urinating, or even breathing. Dehydration occurs when you are unable to replenish your body’s water supply and you end up losing more fluids than you take in. In a survival situation, dehydration is a serious threat since you likely won’t last for more than three days without water. […]
By Mike Adams
The best survival and combat gear I bought in 2019 – Unsolicited, independent reviews from the Health Ranger
An important diversion from the usual topic of health, nutrition and disease prevention: Given that America is about to collapse into a raging civil war in 2020, it seems, I’ve been purchasing and testing out a lot of preparedness gear at the Health Ranger ranch. This year I found a few winners that really stood […]
By Mary Miller
5 Desert survival tips
When traveling to distant locations, there is always a risk of getting lost in unfamiliar territory. If you find yourself stranded in the desert, your actions can easily mean the difference between life and death in this hostile environment. Here are five important prepping tips to remember to help you survive the desert. (h/t to DoomsdayMoose.com) […]
By Grace Olson
Small and incredibly dangerous: Follow these tick safety tips to prevent infections
Ticks are commonly found in animals, but they can attach to humans as well. They are well-known carriers of various diseases and infections, and it is best to ward them off once you spot them. This is especially the case during the summer when ticks are in full swing. To prevent a tick from latching onto you, […]
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