mass shooting
By RJ Jhonson
Are you prepared if SHTF at work?
So you’ve been prepping for disasters, whether natural or man-made. You’ve most likely stored your supplies in a secure spot at home or set your cellar or basement up as an emergency shelter. But are you prepared should SHTF while you’re at work? (h/t to For most people, a significant part of every day […]
By Jayson Veley
What would you do? Increasing your odds of surviving a mass shooting
In the unlikely event that you ever find yourself in the middle of an active shooter situation, there are certain things that you can do to increase your chances of survival. Recently, reached out to Robert Richardson, an experienced prepper that has written about how to survive mass shootings on his website Off Grid […]
By Jayson Veley
What we should teach children about surviving a school shooting
Following tragic school shootings like the one we witnessed in Connecticut back in 2012 and the one in Parkland just a few weeks ago, it is time for parents to consider having a tough talk with their children. One about what to do in the event that a crazed gunman enters the school with the […]
By JD Heyes
What you should know and what to do when you’re in a “shots fired” scenario
Despite what Left-wing media, entertainment, and political hacks tell you, mass shootings are not common, do not occur every day, and are not the number one public safety threat in America. That said, what took place in Las Vegas a few days ago is something that is too frightening for most people to fathom. Even […]
By Mike Adams
MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: Official story of Las Vegas shooting unravels; physical impossibility of lone gunman senior citizen makes narrative ludicrous
It’s all hogwash. The “official” narrative of how things went down in the Las Vegas massacre is so full of holes that it begs the question of just how deep the truth about this attack really goes. What we know for sure is that, yes, 59 people were killed (so far) and hundreds were wounded. […]
By Mike Adams
Survival 101: How to find effective cover in a mass shooting
According to numerous media reports stemming from the Las Vegas mass shooting, concert-goers were blocked from fleeing and had little or no cover to protect them from the full-auto machine gun fire raining down on them. In desperation, some sought cover in porta-potties, according to media reports. Yet porta-potties are thin fiberglass structures that don’t […]
By Mike Adams
Five things that just don’t add up about the Las Vegas mass shooting
Our hearts and prayers go out to all those killed or injured in the Las Vegas shooting, and in a nation where so many anti-Americans are kneeling in pampered protest, this mass shooting saw veterans and police officers standing up, helping the victims and heading straight for the shooter to take him out. Real Americans […]
By Mike Adams
Attempted mass shooting of Republicans at softball game reminds us we must REJECT the hatred and violence of the deranged Left
The lunatic fringe of the anti-Trump Left in America has now gone into “live fire” mode. They are being radicalized by the left-wing media and all its hate-spewing outlets including Media Matters, MSNBC, NYT, CNN, Huffington Post, the Washington Post and more. All these media outlets are complicit in the attempted mass execution of Republican […]
By Mike Adams
Deranged Bernie Sanders supporter attempts mass political executions of Republicans at softball game… has civil war begun?
News is breaking everywhere of the deranged Bernie Sanders supporter who opened fire on Republicans playing softball earlier this morning. Congressman Steve Scalise was seriously injured but is reported in stable condition at the moment (he’s headed into surgery). At least two congressional staffers were also shot, and one of them was reportedly shot in […]
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