food safety
By Russel Davis
Here’s how to tap maple trees (and make your own syrup)
Tapping maple trees for their syrup makes for a fun family activity, and is a safe and sustainable way of gaining benefits from nature without hurting the ecosystem. Maple trees start to produce sap at the break of spring between mid-February and mid-March. The sap flows best during this specific period, when daytime temperature reaches above […]
By Zoey Sky
Unusual foods that you can pickle now, for use in an emergency
Pickling is a handy skill to have, especially when SHTF – and you don’t need expensive equipment or a large work area to start pickling. Pickling can easily extend the shelf life of many perishable food items like fruits or vegetables. (h/t to Pickling, one of the oldest methods of food preservation, involves submerging your food of choice in […]
By Zoey Sky
Learn to identify these poisonous plants that look edible but could kill you
Foraging is a crucial skill for any prepper. After all, knowing which plants are edible and which ones are poisonous can literally save your life when SHTF and your supplies run out. Keep your prepping skills updated by learning about the 10 poisonous plants included in the list below. (h/t to Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) Belladonna, […]
By Zoey Sky
5 Edibles every urban forager should know
If you’re a prepper who lives in the city, you need to be creative. When SHTF, you won’t have as many choices for resources, unlike if you live near heavily-wooded areas. But just because you live in the city doesn’t mean you can’t forage for edible plants, as long as you know what to look […]
By Mary Miller
The REAL meaning and purpose of expiration dates on food
Food date labels are often a death sentence for the food item in question. They judge the food items with the words “best before,” “use by,” “sell by,” and so on. The numbers written on the tag are an ever-present warning that their time is limited. Little by little, they slowly count down the food’s […]
By Zoey Sky
How to protect your survival cache from mold, spoilage, or pestilence
Prepping covers many emergencies, and most of them require a crucial factor: a steady food supply. But how can you make your survival cache last for a long time while also avoiding food spoilage? (h/t to Without the proper food storage techniques, your food supply could go to waste because of mold, spoilage, or pests. […]
By Zoey Sky
How to grind grains to make your own flour when SHTF
Even if things are relatively quiet, you can still benefit from knowing how to make flour from various kinds of grains. After all, food security is crucial for every prepper. Knowing how to make your own flour also gives you access to a final product that’s more nutritious and flavorful than store-bought flour. (h/t to […]
By Zoey Sky
Tips for basic home food preservation and canning
Have you noticed that the nutrition labels on your favorite fruits, vegetables, and other commercially preserved foods often contain sodium and different artificial preservatives? This is why home preserving, which a more natural way of storing food, is once again becoming popular. Judy Price, who was recently featured on “Out Here,” Tractor Supply’s free quarterly lifestyle and how-to […]
By Tracey Watson
Journey towards food self-sufficiency: How to maximize your home garden (and more)
While the idea of growing fresh fruit and vegetables may appeal to many of us, honestly, it can seem a little daunting. Though you can probably visualize yourself heading out to your garden in the late afternoon to pick fresh tomatoes, beans and carrots for dinner, getting to that point may seem like more work […]
By Zoey Sky
Do you know how to tell if your canned food has gone bad? Look for these signs
When it comes to food supplies, preppers know that it’s important to learn about proper food storage. If you can’t tell when canned food has gone bad, someone could get very sick. This can be fatal, especially if someone eats the contents of a spoiled can of food after SHTF and emergency services aren’t as […]
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