economic collapse
By Ethan Huff
Remember these tips to avoid financial ruin when SHTF
Preparing for the worst involves more than just stockpiling food, ammunition, and other survival supplies. It also means getting your financial affairs in order so you don’t end up succumbing to fiscal ruin. So what does this actually look like? According to Sara Tipton from, getting out of debt is one of the first […]
By RJ Jhonson
Do you have a “plan B” in the event of a financial SHTF?
When people hear the term SHTF, most immediately think of hard-hitting calamities. But financial SHTF situations can happen, too, and unfortunately, they’re not something a lot of people are prepared for. In the off-chance that your finances do go crashing down, here are some tips to help you recover. (h/t to Before anything, it’s best […]
By Isabelle Z.
Venezuelans now eating spoiled, rotten meat as electricity collapses
Living conditions in Venezuela show no signs of improving as people there have taken to eating spoiled meat just to keep themselves alive. The AP reports that people in the city of Maracaibo have been lining up for a chance to buy spoiled meat as the rolling power outages that have been plaguing the area […]
By Zoey Sky
Most likely causes of a long-term societal collapse
Not everyone understands the concept of prepping, and some may even wonder what it is exactly that preppers are anticipating. (h/t to Even preppers have plans for various scenarios, and not everyone is prepping for the same thing. Do keep in mind that you must always be ready for “localized disasters and crises” that may […]
By Mike Adams
Five new websites to bookmark for the coming collapse
If you don’t yet realize that human society is headed for a catastrophic collapse, you’re so far behind the curve that it’s scary. Although no one knows exactly which breaking point is going to fail first, there are now so many candidates for the collapse that an apocalyptic future for humankind is all but guaranteed. […]
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