News & Articles By Rhonda Johansson
By Rhonda Johansson
What can the homeless teach you about urban survival?
When it comes to learning how to survive in the city with nothing but the clothes on your back, it will do you good to learn from the homeless – they may have a thing or two to teach you about urban survival, after all. Dress in layers — When SHTF, your priority is your […]
By Rhonda Johansson
5 Important homesteading lessons to learn from American pioneers
The legacy and memory of homesteading live on in us. And while the era that our great-great-grandparents had to live through is long over, there are still some lessons we can learn from that time that we can use in our own homesteading plans today. (h/t to Keep it simple, go back to the […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Practical considerations for choosing which guns to have when SHTF
A strong man doesn’t need to read his future; he makes his own. The same principle applies to every smart prepper. Whereas the rest of society would call us kooky and imagine us hiding out in our camper with tin hats over our heads, we understand the necessity of being prepared for anything. That being […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Want to become a better shooter? Try taking long-range handgun shots
Guns are only as good (or bad) as the people who wield them. If you’re a gun owner, you’ve been to a practice range before. Those of us who carry a concealed carry are told to practice our shots within seven yards, the typical distance between you and a potential criminal. It is stressed in […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Everything you need to know about foraging for food when SHTF
Foraging for food during an emergency situation is quite different from when you’re just leisurely hiking. When it comes to food — especially the ones that you’ll need to eat to survive — you have to make sure that you have the right set of skills to identify which foods are safe to eat and which […]
By Rhonda Johansson
When preparing your EDC, avoid these common mistakes that even seasoned preppers make
As with the world it prepares for, the prepping lifestyle is dynamic and ever-changing. Whereas everyday carry (EDC) used to be an oft-forgotten topic among preppers, it is now being considered to be an essential component of survival. EDC loadouts can range from containing only bare-bones minimalist tools to a full complement of equipment. There […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Choosing the right gun to pack in your bug-out bag
An aspect that often gets lost when talking about prepping, firearms, and BOBs, is the why of it all. Don’t misunderstand: Quite a lot of articles are dedicated to talking about which firearm or supplementary firearm should be part of your BOB loadout. Should I bring a rifle or pistol? What caliber is best? How […]
By Rhonda Johansson
How to build for financial freedom so that you aren’t left lacking when SHTF
Contrary to what you see in popular media, prepping is not based on fear. Preppers don’t spend their days holding placards that say the “world will end,” nor do we get some kind of morbid delight when things really turn sour. Prepping is a mindset — a way of thinking that “if” something happens, then […]
By Rhonda Johansson
A guide to finding survival essentials in your area before SHTF
No one wants to talk — or even think — about what could happen in the future, especially if that horizon is painted with storm clouds. However, ignorance is never bliss when it comes to prepping, and failing to take action NOW, while everything (more or less) is still functioning, is an excellent way to […]
By Rhonda Johansson
How much is enough when stockpiling ammo?
All preppers understand the importance of ammunition. Regardless of where you look, all survivalist websites will tell you that you need to have a gun (and the ammo to match) to defend you and your loved ones from any harm. Chances are, you’re already a responsible owner of a firearm. But here’s where we jump […]
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