News & Articles By Jose Lopez
By Jose Lopez
Why your bug-out bag needs to contain these antibacterial essential oils
Bugging out means you can’t carry your whole medicine cabinet with you. You may not be able to reach a doctor who can write prescriptions for you, either. But you may already have essential oils with you that can help address infections. These are the oils you need to put in your bug-out bag. (h/t […]
By Jose Lopez
A basic guide to surviving an EMP attack
In the technology-dependent world we live in today, an EMP attack is one of the worst things that could happen. Surviving one requires a lot of preparation and planning. You need to understand first what an EMP is and what it can affect in our daily lives. Understanding EMP EMP stands for electromagnetic pulse, which […]
By Jose Lopez
Rat burger: Why you may need to eat rodents for survival
If SHTF comes, would you be able to eat mice and rats? The idea of eating mice and rats is so disgusting for most people that anyone who brings up the topic will be shushed. Just saying the words “mouse” and especially “rat” is enough to make most listeners cringe. And yet these may be the […]
By Jose Lopez
What’s a Faraday bag and why should every prepper have it?
Smart preppers should know how to protect their electronic devices. These devices are vulnerable either to attack or detection. In order to reduce this vulnerability, a smart prepper should have a Faraday bag. (h/t to The Faraday bag is named after Michael Faraday, a 19th-century scientist who discovered a lot about electromagnetism and electrochemistry. […]
By Jose Lopez
Practice makes perfect: Soft skills for the well-rounded prepper
When SHTF and everything falls apart, everything that a prepper needs to survive is found between his ears. We’re talking about the skills he has learned, of course, for without them, all the handheld tools and equipment he has store are useless. (h/t to Hard skill vs. soft skill For preppers, survival skills can be […]
By Jose Lopez
Smart preppers know these common codes used to mark structures in disaster areas
As our society builds more and more structures, the more comfortable and secure we feel. We feel we are able to manage better the extremes that nature throws upon us. Unfortunately, these can make us more vulnerable to disasters when they hit us. A disaster that strikes an urban or inhabited area presents unique challenges. Structures […]
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